Global-e datacenter once again appoints Elinex for the emergency power supply.
On Wednesday, June 24, the ceremonial turn-key handover of the delivered total solution took place.
"And then I think of Brabant, where the light still burns…"
Global-e on ELINEX
In 2017, plans for the construction of the recently completed third Global-e Datacenter began. "Of course, we also engaged ELINEX for the emergency power supply for this location," Ronald starts the conversation. "We opened our first data center in 2009 and have been doing business with ELINEX ever since, to our full satisfaction.
For our newest location, we brought ELINEX to the table early on, while we were still in the phase of creating construction drawings. ELINEX provided input and advice, not just about the emergency power supply itself, but for the entire infrastructure and layout of the data center. Based partly on their advice, we adjusted the construction drawings."

About Global-e
Specifically, in Rijen. There, proverbially speaking, the lights never go out at the brand-new Global-e Datacenter location. It's not without reason that companies entrust their valuable data to this firm. Redundancy is indeed written with a capital 'R' there, just as Service with a capital 'S' aptly describes the Global-e team. There are countless reasons why entrepreneurs can rely on Global-e's servers and service.
A significant reason, however, is that the lights are indeed always on. Elinex's emergency power supplies ensure that. Global-e and Elinex have been partners in this respect for 11 years. We spoke with Xander van Rootselaar, Commercial Manager at ELINEX, Niid Brouwers, Project Manager at Elinex, and Ronald Voermans, Director at Global-e, about a collaboration that seems unbreakable and ensures a good night's sleep for Ronald's clients.
When asked about the essential technical differences between 2009 and 2020, Ronald replies: "The main difference is that, due to advancing technology, we've transitioned from monoblock UPS systems to modular UPS systems. This allows for dual redundancy. While the two other data centers have an N+1 solution, the new data center has two completely separate supplies. This added assurance is very important to many of our customers and prospects. We began the new construction when our other locations were 80% full. Once the news got out, we noticed that existing customers wanted to expand their use. Some even wanted to move their entire server park to the new facility."

The Solution
Xander explains: "Together with Willard Mulder, our lead design engineer, I sat down with Global-e. After capturing Global-e's needs, we provided both the best technical and commercial offer. This allowed him to provide technical advice, and I was able to make the offer based on the most optimal configuration. Once the quote was approved, the file was handed over to Niid for purchasing, planning, and execution." Niid describes the delivery in Rijen: "We used the Huawei UPS 5000-S series, which is modularly constructed with 50 kW power modules. The power modules have an exceptionally high efficiency of 97% and a power factor 1 in a compact 3U size. The total available power of the Huawei UPS system is 800kW per feed. Each feed is custom-made with end groups and an integrated ATS for the NSA (emergency power generator). We also supplied all the rail channels in the data room for the A and B feed, from brands like Starline and Canalis. It's a sight to behold and highly functional." Besides the UPS room, Elinex also supplied the battery installation, with BACS (Battery Analyze & Care System). Niid: "This allows for real-time 24/7 insight into the technical condition of the battery installation, thereby increasing the reliability of the system."